The Human Services Committee was formed by Resolution in 1987 and is charged by the City of Santa Fe Ordinance (2016) with advising and recommending health and human service policies, assessing and advocating for human service needs, coordinating resources to maximize cost-effectiveness, evaluating local human service programs, providing technical assistance to programs, and making funding recommendations to the City Council to support nonprofit organizations that provide and maintain a safety net of services to meet the essential health and human service needs of the adult residents ages 18+ of Santa Fe.
The Committee receives two percent (2%) of the gross receipts tax and administers funding through the Human Services Fund to local nonprofits on a two-year funding cycle at approximately $800,000+ annually (funding amount varies due to GRT fluctuations). The Committee works in partnership with the City liaison and the Youth and Family Services Division staff to provide advice on ways to effectively plan, coordinate, and support health and human service efforts in the Santa Fe community and present a plan to the governing body for approval.
HSC Strategic Plan
The City of Santa Fe Youth and Family Services Division, in cooperation with the Human Services Committee, is seeking applications for the Human Services Fund. The Human Services Committee is striving to work in partnership with local non-profit organizations to improve the health of individuals who reside in Santa Fe. This funding is intended to support organizations that provide navigation services and maintain a safety net of services to meet the essential health and human service needs of individuals aged 18 and older in Santa Fe. The City of Santa Fe wishes to ensure that these essential services-including primary health care, access to basic material goods and services like food and shelter, and mental health counseling and related crisis services- are readily available to individuals aged 18 and older who reside in Santa Fe.
In 2018, the Human Services Committee adopted the Results-Based Accountability (RBA) methodology to develop a strategic framework that identifies funding priorities to leverage key indicators for community impact. The Human Services Committee gathered information on critical community needs and inequities identified through qualitative and quantitative data, needs assessments, and information gathering.
During the fall of 2024, the Human Services Committee (HSC) updated the Strategic Action Plan for the 2025-2029 grant cycle. The following funding priority areas and their corresponding expected results were identified:
Improve Adult Health
Improve Behavioral Health
Improve Community Safety
Strengthen Equitable Society
HSC Grants
The Human Services Committee is seeking applications for the next four-year funding term. Click here to apply.
Human Services Grantee List FY23-26
Coming Home Connection
Esperanza Shelter
Fathers New Mexico
Interfaith Shelter
Kitchen Angels
La Familia Medical Center
Las Cumbres Community Services
The Lifelink
Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe
New Mexico Immigrant Law Center
Santa Fe Dreamers Project
Solace Crisis Treatment Center
St. Elizabeth Shelter
The Birthing Tree Fund
The Food Depot