Click Here for a Zoning Abbreviations Glossary
Permitted Uses by Zone (Article 14-6)
Please click on the links below for the specific zone. These will give you the current list of allowed uses and those requiring special use permits.
Residential Zones
R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, and R-6 Permitted Uses R-7, R-8, and R-9 Permitted Uses
R-7 (I) Permitted Uses R-10, R-12, R-21, and R-29 Permitted Uses
RAC Permitted Uses RC5, and RC8 Permitted Uses RR Permitted Uses
Non-Residential Zones
BCD Permitted Uses C-1 Permitted Uses C-2 Permitted Uses
C-4 Permitted Uses I-1 Permitted Uses I-2 Permitted Uses
MU Permitted Uses SC-1 Permitted Uses SC-2 Permitted Uses
Dimensional Standards for Zones (Article 14-7):
Dimensional standards include lot coverage, setbacks, heights, and open space requirements, among other requirements. These standards are generally based on the underlying zoning of a property. Some overlay districts will change these requirements. Overlay District standards are under Article 14-5. (put a link to this section of the code).
**All closed roofed areas are calculated toward lot coverage. This includes your covered porches, portals, sheds, garage, residences, and other accessory structures.
**All new dwelling structures and additions must meet the setback requirements.
**Accessory structures may have a smaller setback. This would be based on the type and height of the structure as well as the zone it is located in.
**Exceptions to these dimensional standard requirements do exist for some properties. If you are in a region (i.e., Tierra Contenta, Las Solaras, etc.) or subdivision with a development plan, these exceptions are listed on the development plans. You can obtain a copy of the development plans from the County.
Please see the link below for your particular zone of interest.
Residential Zones:
R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, and R-6 Dimensional Standards R-7, R-8, and R-9 Dimensional Standards
R-10, R-12, R-21, and R-29 Dimensional Standards R-7 (I) Dimensional Standards
RC-5 and RC-8 Dimensional Standards RAC Dimensional Standards RR Dimensional Standards
Non-Residential Zones
BCD Dimensional Standards C-1 Dimensional Standards C-2 Dimensional Standards
C-4 Dimensional Standards I-1 Dimensional Standards I-2 Dimensional Standards
MU Dimensional Standards SC-1 Dimensional Standards SC-2 Dimensional Standards
Click here to read about How to Determine and Obtain Legal Lot of Record.
Guest Houses
Most main residential structures are allowed one (1) guest house. Guest houses may go to the maximum allowable height. They must meet the lot coverage and setback requirements for the zone. They are limited in size. They may be no larger than the primary residence or a maximum of 1,500 sq. ft., whichever is less. Guest Houses can be either freestanding or an addition.
Sheds are classified as an accessory structure that may have a 5' rear setback as long as the shed is less than 14' in height, depending on the residential zone you are located in. All other setback requirements remain the same as dwelling units. Lot coverage does apply to sheds. Please refer to the dimensional standards above for setback details pertaining to your district.
Additions are allowed to most structures as long as the required dimensional standards are met. These do not require preliminary review unless you are located in an overlay district. If you are in an overlay district, please email your plans for preliminary review.
Fences (Article 14-8.5)
Generally, yard walls and fences at residences are allowed a maximum height of 6'0". This is measured from the natural grade of the property on the fence's exterior to the top of the tallest portion of the fence. There are areas of the City where the fence height is lower. This would include some subdivisions, Tierra Contenta, and the Historic Districts. Lower heights are generally at the front of the property along the street frontage. Fences that separate a residence from a commercial property are allowed a height of 8'0". This would only be on the side of the residence that touches the commercial property. Fences are allowed on top of retaining walls. The maximum height for a retaining wall and fence combination is 10'0". Retaining walls are allowed to a maximum of 6'0". If more height is required, the retaining walls must step back or be terraced, equivalent in distance to the height of the wall.
Stringers for the fence are required to be to the interior of the property constructing the fence. Latillas for latilla fences are required to be uneven in the Historic Districts only.
Wire fences can not be publicly visible. Chainlink and other wire fences may be used in the back and sides of properties if they are not visible. However, they are not allowed on the front of properties because of public visibility.
Site Visibility for Yard Walls and Fences (Article 14-7.1(F))
All yard walls and fences on street corners and driveways must meet the site visibility requirements. If you are constructing a fence that goes up to a driveway or a street corner, the fence will need to be lowered to 3' or will need to turn into the property to meet the site visibility triangle. Please Click here for Site Visibility Requirement images.
A Brief Summary of Signs in the Historic Districts (Article 14-8.10(F))
This is only a quick summary and may not include all regulations. Please refer to Chapter 14-8.10 for the complete code.
Once you have a preliminary design, please email the Current Planning team to review the sign for code compliance. If there is any exception to the code, the Historic Districts Review Board must approve the sign.
Commercial Cannabis Establishments (Article 14-6 and Article 14-6.2(I))
For a zoning verification for any cannabis establishment, please fill in the Cannabis Zoning Verification application on the "Application Forms and Fees" page and email it to Current Planning for review. See the front page of the Current Planning website for the most recent contact information.